This week we learned about how the US grew to become such a neo-colonial power in the early twentieth century with a focus on its military and economic relationships with Latin America. On the military side of things, I found it really interesting how the US used political unrest within a nation for its own […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, colonization, Dario, identity, Martí, Neo-colonialism, Panama Canal, UFCO, US, violence
This week we learned about how the US grew to become such a neo-colonial power in the early twentieth century with a focus on its military and economic relationships with Latin America. On the military side of things, I found it really interesting how the US used political unrest within a nation for its own […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, colonization, Dario, identity, Martí, Neo-colonialism, Panama Canal, UFCO, US, violence
Whenever I learn or hear about revolutions, and people actually putting their lives at risk for what they believe is right, I am always impressed by that. I think that in order for people living in a country to revolt against the government, bosses, whoever is oppressing them is extremely brave. It also makes you […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with history, Mexico, revolution, violence
While reading Columbus’ journal for this week’s pre-reading, I came to see the violence of his actions and the consequent violence perpetuated by them in a different light than previously. Having been taught my high school history curriculum by a … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 1, Week 2 | Tagged with 1492, Assimilation, Columbus, Eurocentrism, Evangelism, Hierarchies, Imperialism, indigenous, paradigm, religion, violence
Violence in Latin American countries spread as ideological influence emanated out of the Soviet Union and the United States. Political violence throughout Latin America became the grounds for a proxy war between cold war superpowers with support for right capitalist governments coming from the USA, and funds for left-leaning guerrilla warfare coming from the USSR. The […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Ideology, Proxy War, violence