One of the documents included in our required reading this week was “Political Program of the Partido Independiente de Color”. This document was published in 1908 as the constitution of the political party Partido Independente de Color. I was incredibly shocked … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with 13th amendment, Brazil, canada, emancipation, legacy, mass incarceration, racism, slavery, United States, USA
The United States presence in Latin America is often represented in simple terms, as a violent oppressor or noble saviour. There are many ideas around this concept but it is up to us to uncover the truths behind them. There is a stigma that comes with being so powerful, and in the case of the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with latin america, United States
The United States presence in Latin America is often represented in simple terms, as a violent oppressor or noble saviour. There are many ideas around this concept but it is up to us to uncover the truths behind them. There is a stigma that comes with being so powerful, and in the case of the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with latin america, United States
Week Nine Some people call the United States ‘a bully,’ and there’s definitely some evidence in this chapter to support this claim. ‘When the United States took on larger nations, the results were not always favorable. General John Pershing’s “Punitive Expedition” in Mexico…. Mexico proved too great a challenge for a state that was not … Continue reading Week Nine →
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Banana Republic, United States