Source: Todorov, Tzvetan. “Montezuma and Signs.” The Conquest of America, Harper & Row, 1984, pp. 63–97. Different accounts of the Spanish colonization of Latin America are explored in “The Conquest of America” by Tzvetan Todorov. The section “Montezuma and Signs”, focuses on the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, showing how the Aztecs’ tendencies to rely …
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Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with aztec, montezuma, Short research assignment, the meeting of two worlds
Source: Todorov, Tzvetan. “Montezuma and Signs.” The Conquest of America, Harper & Row, 1984, pp. 63–97. Different accounts of the Spanish colonization of Latin America are explored in “The Conquest of America” by Tzvetan Todorov. The section “Montezuma and Signs”, focuses on the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, showing how the Aztecs’ tendencies to rely …
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Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with aztec, montezuma, Short research assignment, the meeting of two worlds
My group’s Week is number 9 – Commerce, Coercion and America’s Empire. It discusses the history of the North American influence in Latin America, driven by an ambition to control the region and increase wealth. It talks about how that was done through a division of labour that favored the North Americans and put the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with coercion, commerce, north american influence, Short research assignment
My group’s Week is number 9 – Commerce, Coercion and America’s Empire. It discusses the history of the North American influence in Latin America, driven by an ambition to control the region and increase wealth. It talks about how that was done through a division of labour that favored the North Americans and put the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with coercion, commerce, north american influence, Short research assignment
Source 1: Simon Bolivar The document “Simon Bolivar” provides a summary of the lifespan of Bolivar, from his adolescence to his death. The summary is written by Manuel Perez Vila who is a Venezuelan historian and professor, making it a reliable source. The source is useful because the chapter in the textbook only briefly describes Bolivar’s […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Short research assignment
Source 1: Simon Bolivar The document “Simon Bolivar” provides a summary of the lifespan of Bolivar, from his adolescence to his death. The summary is written by Manuel Perez Vila who is a Venezuelan historian and professor, making it a reliable source. The source is useful because the chapter in the textbook only briefly describes Bolivar’s […]
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Source 1: This analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations is an article written by 3 senior fellows in the subject of Latin America studies published in 2013. The article generally focuses on Chavez’s remarking that he was a transitional figure in Venezuelan history and as well as Latin America’s. His 12 years included increase […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Short research assignment
Source 1: This analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations is an article written by 3 senior fellows in the subject of Latin America studies published in 2013. The article generally focuses on Chavez’s remarking that he was a transitional figure in Venezuelan history and as well as Latin America’s. His 12 years included increase […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Short research assignment
Source One: “Ignacio Pesquiera: Sonoran Caudillo” Rodolfo Acuña’s 1970’s article “Ignacio Pesquiera: Sonoran Caudillo” concerns the life of a former governor of Sonora, whose rise to power followed a “complete” caudillo narrative. Born into a relatively affluent family, Pesquiera was educated in Spain and France where he was introduced to the liberal ideals that were […]
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