Much like last week, this week’s chapter has also not failed to shock me with the thought of how recent these events occurred, however, this week’s shock was far greater. ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ focused on how the truth, perpetuated by the increased use of social media, and increased accessibility to news worldwide through technology, …
Continue reading “Week 12: Speaking Truth to Power”
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, drug war, Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Mexico, sadness
Much like last week, this week’s chapter has also not failed to shock me with the thought of how recent these events occurred, however, this week’s shock was far greater. ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ focused on how the truth, perpetuated by the increased use of social media, and increased accessibility to news worldwide through technology, …
Continue reading “Week 12: Speaking Truth to Power”
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, drug war, Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, Mexico, sadness