I would like to focus this week’s blog post on Rubén Dario’s poem titled “To Roosevelt” and the meaning behind it. Even during the “modernization” of Latin America, countries depended on their relationship with the United States to further progress their nations. For an exchange of exporting valuable resources and goods, America would provide up […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with #usintervention, America, Dario, Roosevelt, week8
This week’s topic asked the question: given that modernity and the export boom were coming (in all its superficial, gilded glory), what would be the cost for Latin American countries? One element seems to have been almost a positive feedback loop – new technologies introduced by modernity (railroads, telegraphs) lead to more upheaval in Latin […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with Canudos, complex, cosmic, Dario, fantasy, Gold, gun, joy, Roosevelt, simple, telegraph, Vasconcelos