I found it deeply upsetting and infuriating to read Mario Vargas Llosa, “The Massacre,”. Among the many tragic elements of this case, two themes come into focus for me. Miscommunication and the involuntary martyrdom of the peasants. From what I understood, the dominant belief is that the massacre of the eight reporters by Uchuraccay happenedContinue reading “Week 11: The Terror”
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Guerilla, martyrdom, massacre, peasants, Peru, violence, war
This week’s focus is on Peru, specifically movements concerning peasant’s rights, freedom from repression, and institutional corruption in the 1980s. Focusing on the Prolonged People’s War of the Shining Path and administration of Alberto Fujimori, Peru experienced another wave of conflict later than other Latin American countries. Rather than the communist revolutions earlier in the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with alberto fujimori, communism, Dirty War, land, land reform, Mexico, middle-class, peasants, Peru, repression, Shining Path