Hi everyone my name is Jared and I am a 3rd year Sociology transfer student from Vancouver. In the college I transferred from, most of credits were Criminology credits, but because UBC was the dream, I became an accidental Sociology major with all my Crim classes transferring as Sociology credits. With a little bit of …
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Posted in Blogs, Week 1 | Tagged with drugs, independence, week1
Hi! My name is Livia Oliveira, I’m 19 and come from Brazil. I’m a second year student in the Faculty of Arts and I’m very excited to take LAST 100. Even though I’m originally from Brazil, there is a lot in regards to the history and culture of Latin America in general that I wish […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 1 | Tagged with independence, modernization
The development or lack thereof of racism, in Latin America follows a very different path to the one we learnt about in North America and the rest of the world. The highly mixed society, and complex slave economy placed slaves into a category of their own, leaving the rest of society “void” of racial stratification. While […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with independence, racism, rights
This week’s readings discussed the various stories of independence from the 1800s, focusing on Latin America. I personally was intrigued…
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Chávez, independence, Martí
The Jamaica Letter or “Carta de Jamaica”, written by Simon Bolivar on September 1815 and addressed to English merchant Henry Cullen served to justify Latin American Independence and ask for English help supporting the cause. After having lost a number of military and political disputes with the government of Cartagena, Bolivar flees Colombia for Jamaica hoping […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, independence, Jamaican Letter, The British
In this week’s lecture, it was once said that “The governing Latin America was like trying to plow this sea.” I have a much better understanding of why this seems to be the case after this weeks lecture. With the rise of liberal ideas in the nineteenth and twentieth century, it gained acceptance in Europe […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, independence, latin america, liberalism, military, misplaced, schwartz
In this week’s lecture, it was once said that “The governing Latin America was like trying to plow this sea.” I have a much better understanding of why this seems to be the case after this weeks lecture. With the rise of liberal ideas in the nineteenth and twentieth century, it gained acceptance in Europe […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, independence, latin america, liberalism, military, misplaced, schwartz
There is something very special about a well written letter or speech. It makes you get goose pumps, sends shivers down your spine and more importantly it inspires you. All three of these documents did that for me. First the Bolívar, the Letter from Jamaica, a letter speaking of the hardships and the mountains they […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, Chávez, independence, Martí