The transition period for any person or collective is always a difficult one, especially when your don’t fully transition as you would when doing a 180 degree turn. She could argue that in the case of post-liberation, new nations and republics simply did a 360 degree circle, concluding where their initial actions begot. In reading […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with 180, 360, citizens, Freedom, New Republics, rights, transition, writers
This week, we are examining the video lectured provided by Professor Beasley-Murray for Week 4, entitled “Independence Narratives, Past and Present”. To begin, one thing that I found of particular interest to me was the fact that, as mentioned early on, modern times were considered to have begun, or at least in European terms, with […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Equality, Freedom, human rights, independence, indigenous, Power and Wealth, revolution, US Involvement
This week’s idea that race is simply a social construct and not a biological fact is something that had not crossed my mind before but now seems so obvious that I feel silly for not thinking about it before. Race is defined differently among different societies, which I find often leads to the question of […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with feminist, Freedom, rights, slavery
One of our last week’s discussions were about Casta paintings (the elite Spaniards’ way of marking other people’s importance in society) and the idea of racial classification. This week, we can now take a look at a few important figures who helped revolutionize and liberate Latin America from the Spanish rule. As someone who didn’t know … Continue reading Week 4
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Freedom, Hugo Chávez, independence, Simon Bolivar
I found it very interesting this week to learn just how diverse the independence and freedom of Latin America was in the past. Never before had I considered the inextricable influences slavery and independence had on each other. The differing … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Carolina de Erauso, Freedom, independence, indigenous, Indigenous peoples, intersectionality, Jose Marti, Martí, Nuestro America, oppression, Our America, privilege, slavery
In reading Simon Bolivar’s “Letter from Jamaica: Kingston” from 1815, I was struck by the line “We are still in a position lower than slavery, and therefore it is more difficult for us to rise to the enjoyment of freedom…” (Dawson 23). For whatever reason, this stood out as being a particularly entitled thing to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with aristocracy, Bolívar, Freedom, independence