This week’s lecture brought up that there is a gap between the abstract domain of rights and the practical integration of them. Even then, once they are incorporated, it may be for alternative motives. For example, Dawson noted how some formerly enslaved black slave owners in Haiti embraced emancipation not for the virtue of it […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with abstract, Darwin, Dawson, dogma, eugenics, judith, limpieza de sangre, phrenology
Mea maxima culpa for the tardiness of my blog entry…this week has been——precious I continue to be mind boggled over the importance assigned to the idea of race. Ultimately, we are all members of the human race. Some of us are taller or shorter, fatter or skinnier—darker or lighter. It amazes me the importance that […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with Creelman, Darwin, Guilded Age, Mexican Revolution, Porfirio Díaz, Vasconsuelos