I loved the readings and video for this week! Catalina’s story, which absolutely immersed me, is quite an anomaly. It’s unique firstly in that unlike many historical texts, Catalina is a testament to the reality of queerness in periods long predating us – and yet her experience is unique also in that it can be […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta, castalina, Catalina, week3
I really enjoyed reading about and analyzing the Casta paintings. Even without reading about them, it is obvious just by looking that one of their main purposes is to show the ways in which different races mix. But, as the reading suggests, these paintings could be seen as telling us more than just about racial […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with anxiety, casta, civilized, hierarchy, paintings
Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 3 Lecture | Tagged with C15th, C16th, C18th, casta, Catalina de Erauso, colonialism, difference, history, identity, Las Casas, mestizaje, mixture, painting, race, representation, slavery, visual art
Summary of Hybridity of Its Discontents: Considering Visual Culture in Colonial Spanish America by Carolyn Dean and Dana Leibsohn The article connects to my groups theme of ”The Casta Paintings” in colonial latin america through its content. The article discusses the concepts of ”mixing’, ‘hybridity” (5) and how these concepts were implemented during the colonial period. The […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with casta, Hybridity, identity, Research Assignment, Status
When learning about history, what seems to stick with me the most is how historical events and ideas manifest themselves in the present day. When reading about casta paintings this week from Susan Deans-Smith’s article, I kept thinking about how these … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Videos, Week 3 | Tagged with casta, casta paintings, colonization, diversity, ethnicity, hierarcies, history, identity, immigration, Peru, race, Venezuela
After reading about the Casta Paintings, the deconstructionist side of me wonders what Jacques Derrida would have to say about them and everything they stood for. I find it fascinating that the separation of society is so fastidiously depicted in the paintings right down to what was worn by whom; and I suppose they had […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta, de Erauso, gender roles
I found the lecture video, The Colonial Experience, incredibly interesting as it touched on many aspects of the latin american identity, and how certain events contributed to how it came to be. 1492 was a significant, and complicated year with numerous forms of interaction between the europeans and the indigenous people’s. Not only was 1492 […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with 1492, casta