Augusto Sandino, “Political Manifesto” (1927). The message is very clear here. Sandino’s manifesto attempts to threaten the U.S. to not invade Nicaragua, as Latin America does not welcome the U.S. in their countries. As stated by Sandino, “no country will be raped by Yankee morphine addicts,” emphasizing their passionate desire to remain separate and independent … Continue reading Week 9- Commernce, Coercion and America’s Empire
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with americanhegemony, bananas, Disney, donaldduck, Imperialism, sandino, yellowfever
The whole history of “the Banana Republic” is an interesting concept! I didn’t know that bananas had to be scientifically altered in order for them to grow effectively and create a fruit that we see as a staple in most homes. It’s interesting that there was a whole company dedicated to fruit (UFCO), and that […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with bananas, Corruption, latin america, trade, U.S
This week, we learned about the American presence in Latin America. Personally, I found this weeks subject very interesting, as it touched on topics and relations that I had never heard of before or studied in school. I believe most of my lack of knowledge of American presence in Latin America is due to the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, cartoons, cia, Disney, Guatemala, Mexico, movies, US
This week, we learned about the American presence in Latin America. Personally, I found this weeks subject very interesting, as it touched on topics and relations that I had never heard of before or studied in school. I believe most of my lack of knowledge of American presence in Latin America is due to the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, cartoons, cia, Disney, Guatemala, Mexico, movies, US
This week we learned about how the US grew to become such a neo-colonial power in the early twentieth century with a focus on its military and economic relationships with Latin America. On the military side of things, I found it really interesting how the US used political unrest within a nation for its own […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, colonization, Dario, identity, Martí, Neo-colonialism, Panama Canal, UFCO, US, violence
This week we learned about how the US grew to become such a neo-colonial power in the early twentieth century with a focus on its military and economic relationships with Latin America. On the military side of things, I found it really interesting how the US used political unrest within a nation for its own […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, colonization, Dario, identity, Martí, Neo-colonialism, Panama Canal, UFCO, US, violence
The US is sometimes thought of as a big bully and this is especially true when looking at the intervention…
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with bananas, USA