I hope you have found this week’s workshops with Jessica and Thor helpful as you begin to think about your video project. Remember, the video itself won’t be due until the last week of class, but it’s certainly helpful to start thinking about it early. And Carolina and Juan will be on hand to give you help as you go along.
Because we’ve used this week with these workshops, we are therefore fitting two weeks into one next week.
- On Tuesday, we’ll be discussing the texts and concepts of week two, “The Meeting of Two Worlds.”
- On Thursday, we’ll be discussing the texts and concepts of week three, “The Colonial Experience.”
As I will still be away, Carolina and Juan will be leading the discussion in each case. But let me emphasize that our face-to-face meetings are when you participate and contribute to discussion. They will not be lecturing, merely facilitating a group conversation.
So in preparation for these discussions, this is what you have to do:
- Watch the videos for each week: The Meeting of Two Worlds and The Colonial Experience.
- Do the reading detailed on each week’s page: week two and week three. In both cases, the reading for these weeks is online.
- Optionally, you may also want to check out Alec Dawson’s video and podcast for week three.
- Write a 400-word blogpost for each set of videos/readings.
- The categories for these posts should be “week two” and “week three” respectively.
- If you want, add whatever tags you think are appropriate.
You need to do all the above by midnight on Monday, September 21.
Finally, by midnight on Wednesday, September 23:
- Write comments on two of your classmates’ blog posts
NB, following weeks will be more relaxed. And in general we will only be meeting in person on Thursdays. This, incidentally, will mean that blog posts will be due on Wednesday nights, rather than Mondays.
That’s it! Good luck!