Week 7

Week Seven: “Hero of the Americas” by Creelman

I was shocked by how incredibly positive and obviously biased Creelman’s article was. It seemed less like an objective article written by an American journalist about the leader of a foreign country than a propaganda piece written by a dictator about himself to convince his country and the world of how amazing he was. The […]

Blog Post #7: Week 7

In this week’s reading, I extremely enjoyed Creelman’s account of Porfirio Diaz. It was a refreshing outlook on a man I have studied in many other classes in my time here at UBC. In this blog post, I want to shine a light on the correlation between thi…

Blog Post #7: Week 7

In this week’s reading, I extremely enjoyed Creelman’s account of Porfirio Diaz. It was a refreshing outlook on a man I have studied in many other classes in my time here at UBC. In this blog post, I want to shine a light on the correlation between thi…