Anna Lake-Soros and David Waine on rights from the Aztecs to the present
Posted in Student Videos - 2014, Week 6 Videos | Tagged with Aztecs, Bolivia, Citizenship, colonialism, gender, Haiti, indigeneity, Mexico, Peru, race, rights
This reading was a little hard to follow because it talked about different countries as opposed to focusing on just one. However, this was also the topic that my group and I did our video project on so I will be focusing mainly on Peru and the rise of Sendero Luminoso. When I started reading […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with guerrillas, military, Peru, Sendero Luminoso, Terror
I thought this weeks video was fascinating. Peru’s unique history holds a lot of interest for me- and I think there’s a lot we can learn from it. In my opinion, one of the most fascinating things about Peru’s military takeover in 1968 is that, for maybe the first time ever- and since- there was […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Internal conflict, Peru
Our group project focuses on Peru’s internal conflict. I will be speaking on the global contextualization of the conflict, particularly in regard to the Soviet Union. As described by Ruben Berrios and Cole Blasier in Peru and the Soviet Union (1969-1989): Distant Partners, the same events that would eventually lead to the conflict also opened […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Peru, research, The Terror
This week we are back to yet another crisis in Latin America, this time, in Peru. I was surprised at first to hear about the presence of Guerrillas in Peru since for some reason I always thought they were specific to Columbia (maybe it’s because Netflix movies and documentaries on Guerrillas were usually in Columbia). … Continue reading Week 11
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Civil War, communism, Dirty War, guerrillas, latin america, Peru, Shining Path, Terror, violence, wars
Fujimori’s 1992 Autogolpe, is a really interesting case of de-democratization. It seems that he suspended the constitution in order to amass power in one swift sweep. Or i guess it is more accurate to say that he dissolved the other branches of government in order to concentrate power in the executive. What’s very interesting about […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Cold War, communism, Peru, Sendero Luminoso, The Terror
I have always been a strong proponent of great, positive social changes. I will gladly take any chance to help make the world a better place, especially for those who have often been considered the underdogs. Recently, however, it has become more apparent to me that this philosophy creates a naive belief about social reform… Continue reading Trauma of Peru →
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Peru, Shining Path, The Terror
I have always been a strong proponent of great, positive social changes. I will gladly take any chance to help make the world a better place, especially for those who have often been considered the underdogs. Recently, however, it has become more apparent to me that this philosophy creates a naive belief about social reform… Continue reading Trauma of Peru →
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Peru, Shining Path, The Terror