This week’s topic, “the colonial experience” is largely centred on the ways in which colonialism expressed itself with regards its impact on the societies and peoples which it touched. Colonialism, as a very complicated phenomena finds expression in many modes, and has had wide-reaching impacts that persist today. Nevertheless, colonialism tends to strike in a pattern of faultlines in social fabric, compartmentalizing populations and polarizing relations. Of those faultlines, two are especially highlighted in this week’s readings: race in Casta Paintings, and gender in the case of Lieutenant Nun. Race is a…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with castas, colonialism, divisions, faultline, gender, race, social constructs
I hadn’t thought of the colonial experience as a Spanish (or European) crisis of identity before. I had pictured the colonizers as eagerly consuming all the land they were able to, and exploiting those resources and people who lived there. … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, colonialism, disease, europe, gender, hierarchy, indigenous, mixture, race, Spain
In the video, it is said that labeling anyone with African descent as “black” is a very North American way of categorizing race. My question would be, what led to the differences between racial categorization in North and South America? As we saw from the Casta paintings, there was a different system of categorization, with […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, Catalina de Erauso, colonialism, gender, race, slave trade, The Colonial Experience
In the video, it is said that labeling anyone with African descent as “black” is a very North American way of categorizing race. My question would be, what led to the differences between racial categorization in North and South America? As we saw from the Casta paintings, there was a different system of categorization, with […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, Catalina de Erauso, colonialism, gender, race, slave trade, The Colonial Experience