This week, I feel like there were a wider variety of different or conflicting narratives compared to previous topics. I want to focus on three main points for this post; citizenship, Josefina Pelliza de Sagasta’s writings, and rights in general. I’ve never actually thought about how nations determined the requirements one must fulfill to gain […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Citizenship, rights, Week6
Have you ever stopped to analyze the national anthem of your country? That’s what this week’s readings made me do. “De la paz en la dicha suprema,Siempre noble soñó El Salvador;Fue obtenerla su eterno problema,Conservarla es su gloria mayor.” This excerpt of the national anthem says that El Salvador always dreamed of being in the “supreme bliss” of peace and how achieving this was an eternalContinue reading “Week 6 | Mutation of Emancipation”
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with Alexander Dawson, Citizenship, emancipation, LAST100, latin america, Maria Eugenia Echenique, rights, Traumas of the Past
Anna Lake-Soros and David Waine on rights from the Aztecs to the present
Posted in Student Videos - 2014, Week 6 Videos | Tagged with Aztecs, Bolivia, Citizenship, colonialism, gender, Haiti, indigeneity, Mexico, Peru, race, rights
The concept of Citizenship and Rights and the path people of South America took to achieve their rights is an important one and helps us to understand their current situation better. During the lecture presentation video, we we asked to consider 3 main questions: How does a history of slavery shape the Americas today? Are […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with Citizenship, rights, slavery
The concept of Citizenship and Rights and the path people of South America took to achieve their rights is an important one and helps us to understand their current situation better. During the lecture presentation video, we we asked to consider 3 main questions: How does a history of slavery shape the Americas today? Are […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with Citizenship, rights, slavery
This week discussed the mass shipment of slaves from Africa into Latin America and how slavery was existent in some places until the late 1800’s. The question from the video that intrigued me the most was how does a history of Slavery Shape the America’s Today? Through my travels to Cuba and the Dominican Republic, I […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Citizenship, Equality, rights, slavery