Week 2

Christopher Columbus’s journal and Guaman Poma de Ayala’s chronicle

Indeed a fascinating read. I have not studied Columbus and the discovery of the New World before, so this was interesting to me. I don’t really like the man, to be honest, and there are several contradictions on Christopher’s part which also intrigued …

Christopher Columbus

When Christopher Columbus threw himself on the journey to cross the emptiness of the unknown west with the expectation that he would arrive in the Indies, he had no idea that he would end up finding the new world. When landing in San Salvador he was dazzled by the green landscape, by the fauna and […]

The Meeting of Two Worlds

What I really enjoyed about these readings was the fact that one was through the perspective of a Quechua noble man and the other through a European explorer and colonizer—two sides of the conquest. I found this to be very helpful in understanding the historic moment that transformed the entire continent of America. Both readings […]

The First New Chronicle

Reading the First New Chronicle I was struck by one thing in particular. “Gold” Throughout the text Guaman mentions the Conquistadors lust for gold and silver many times. This to me highlights one of the huge post Columbus drivers of exploration to the…

The Journal of Christopher Columbus and Guaman Poma

  The Journal of Christopher Columbus shed a great deal of light on colonialism and its eurocentric attitude. I knew of this previously to reading the journal, however, to read such discourse written in the first person was enlightening. I found it interesting how quickly Columbus seems to understand what the natives are saying. I wonder how much of this communication was reality and how much was based on assumption. Columbus seems to be a person who was quick to assume. Especially when it comes to the native people. He automatically assumes that they have no religion, and interestingly, he also assumes they think that he comes from heaven, or the sky. To me, it seems obvious that they have some form of worship however Columbus seems to ignore this, and put more importance on his own flattery. This same assumption of superiorty of Christianity is evident in the pages from the Guaman Poma reading. Fray Vicente say’s to Atagualpa that he should worship god and nothing else. To imagine the world so long ago is made easier with Columbus’s description of the land. I envision his eyes widening at the sight of this land he has just set foot on and quickly claims his own by each footstep he takes.  The lush forest and the tropical fruits he describes makes me think of how the search for a pristine, ‘untouched’ paradise is still happening in our current culture. It makes me think of the photographs we see in tourism posters or magazines of seemingly unpopulated stretches of beach.  Is there still some evidence of colonialist behaviours or ideas in our society today? Perhaps not as extreme? In the Guaman Poma reading, and in the journal of Columbus, I got a strong sense of confidence from the Spaniards compared to the native people. Perhaps because they come from a more advanced civilization in regards to technology- they have more weapons. and they are not very quick to trust. The natives, although they are intimidated, seem somewhat trusting of their invaders. I almost find their trust to be more brave than the Spaniards who come armed.

Columbus Journal Articles

The journal entries of Christopher Columbus were very interesting to read. There are a few things that stuck out to me. In the first handful of journal entries, Columbus writes how far the ship has traveled and than he reports that he told the crew a lesser distance. He does this so often that the […]

The First New Chronicle

Reading the First New Chronicle I was struck by one thing in particular. “Gold” Throughout the text Guaman mentions the Conquistadors lust for gold and silver many times. This to me highlights one of the huge post Columbus drivers of exploration to the…

Christopher Columbus and Guaman Poma

“In Nomine Domini Nostri Jesu Christli” meaning in the name of our Jesus Christ; Christopher Columbus wrote his petition of exploring the “Indias” to the King and Queen of Spain; at this time the whole crown didn’t have enough gold to purchase his journey, but it was simply his religious speech which is very interesting […]

Myth and Massacre: Week 2 Reading

Reading the first source was a rehash of some research I had done in the past on my own. Growing up in the United States, Columbus Day was a holiday more important for its long weekend potential than its historical significance, but it nonetheless has …

Christopher Columbus + Guaman Poma

The voyage of Christopher Columbus was an extensive journey leading way to the development of a new world. In connection to his voyage was the Guaman Poma, The First New Chronicle. These historical events mark a significant change to the known world, the first interactions between Latin Americas and Europeans. While, reading Christopher Columbus’s journey […]