Week 6

Week 6: Citizenship and Rights in the New Republic: ERASURE

The readings ,much like the prior weeks didn’t dwelve into anything too shocking, that within itself is kind of horrifying. Something I did extract as an underlying issue for the independence movements in L/A was a form of ancestral/ethnic  (ethni…

Week 6: Citizenship and Rights in the New Republic: ERASURE

The readings ,much like the prior weeks didn’t dwelve into anything too shocking, that within itself is kind of horrifying. Something I did extract as an underlying issue for the independence movements in L/A was a form of ancestral/ethnic  (ethni…

Citizenship and Rights

This week’s reading focused on the issue of slavery, citizenship and rights across Latin America. One sentence in the first few pages of the chapter stood out to me, that “post-independence formal discrimination would be replaced by unofficial practices that accomplished the same ends” (Dawson, 75). Essentially, the New World would continue to discriminate based […]

Week Six – Citizenship and Rights in the New Republic

This week’s reading in the book provided a greater insight on the development of citizenship and rights in the Americas. I liked that the progression of slavery in Latin America was continuously compared to the United State’s progression. I was able to see the difference between how USA and Brazil regarded slaves.  For instance, Brazil tended to… Continue reading Week Six – Citizenship and Rights in the New Republic

Week 6 Response

The reading this week was quite interesting. The formation of rights and rules of citizenship was complicated and difficult following the independence of Latin America, and again varied greatly between different republics. You had some greatly conflicting ideas coming together and clashing, with the emergence of both 19th century liberalism and 19th century “scientific racism”. […]

Week 6 Response

The reading this week was quite interesting. The formation of rights and rules of citizenship was complicated and difficult following the independence of Latin America, and again varied greatly between different republics. You had some greatly conflicting ideas coming together and clashing, with the emergence of both 19th century liberalism and 19th century “scientific racism”. […]

Week 6 Readings

I found this week’s readings about how the concepts of race and class interacted very interesting. As Alec Dawson pointed out in the podcast, the entire society was organized around this hierarchy of difference, where a small ruling class categorized and ruled over numerous other diverse groups. It goes without saying that the people who […]